MeasureUp is the leading provider of practice tests for the preparation of IT certification exams by major technology manufacturers, including Microsoft. The practice test prepares the end-user for the certification exam by offering an identical experience to that of the actual exam, in terms of types of questions and content. For almost two decades, our training materials have been recognized for their innovative use of simulation question types, comprehensive explanations, complete coverage of exam objectives, multiple delivery modes, and in-depth reporting.
Office is landing
Get ready for a new way to prepare for MOS certification: Live in the App Practice Tests to train the test taker for the real certification of Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint.
Live in the App
Using real application testing, Media Interactiva provides the best Live in the App Practice Tests to train the test taker for the real certification, including real processing of assets and background documents in real-time.
It is scored automatically and feedback is provided immediately following the user’s needs.
API Integration
The orchestration of the process is under our API REST, which combines online services with offline data. The user will always be able to train in MOS skills and practice with examples in the local machine without installing third party plugins.
Multi Language
Both the product and its environment, will be delivered in different languages and customized for each region and localization. Our goal is to provide the best solution for the professional market with the best standards of the industry.